1. General Information:
Rendezvous positions:
- Starting Point “KA”, Eastbound: 12-07N, 044-11E
- Starting Point “KB”, Westbound: 14-54N, 054-41E
- Starting Point “KC”, Westbound: 13-45N, 050-37E
Please note that the each starting point indicates the endpoint for the convoy from the opposite direction (i.e. starting point “KA” is the endpoint for the Westbound convoy).
Application Deadline: At least 1 day prior (04:00 UTC) to the convoy escort.
Download: Convoy Application Form (.doc)
Minimum Convoy Speed: 12 knots
2. Schedule:
Escort schedules in JUNE 2015
Westbound (starting from point “KB” and ending at point “KA”):
- 04:00 UTC 03 JUN 15
- 04:00 UTC 09 JUN 15
Westbound (starting from point “KC” and ending at point “KA”):
- 04:00 UTC 20 JUN 15
- 04:00 UTC 24 JUN 15
Eastbound (starting from point “KA” and ending at point “KB”):
- 04:00 UTC 06 JUN 15
- 04:00 UTC 12 JUN 15
Eastbound (starting from point “KA” and ending at point “KC”):
- 04:00 UTC 22 JUN 15
- 04:00 UTC 26 JUN 15
Escort schedules in JULY 2015
Westbound (starting from point “KC” and ending at point “KA”):
- 04:00 UTC 05 JUL 15
Eastbound (starting from point “KA” and ending at point “KC”):
- 04:00 UTC 07 JUL 15
If you need further information, please contact ROKS WANG GEON (ROK Naval Escort Task Group: Cheonghae Unit 18th Dispatch):
INMARSAT No.: 00-870-773-110-374
Email: cheonghaeetg@navy.mil.kr
All merchant vessels wishing to join the convoy group must submit their application forms directly to the ROK Naval Warship carrying out the mission.
All merchant vessels should make confirmation calls to ROKS WANG GEON after submitting the convoy application forms.
(信息来源:www.mschoa.org 上述信息仅供参考,如有护航要求,请与护航海军联系)