2015-10-22 13:48:19
(来源:中国船东网 文/李存银)
Welcoming Address in the 21st ASF SC Interim Meeting
Shouguo Zhang, Executive Vice President of CSA
Ladies and gentlemen:
On behalf of China Shipowners’ Association, I’m delighted to extend my warm welcome for your attendance to the 21st ASF SC Interim Meeting. This is the very first time that the meeting is held in Beijing. It’s an honor for CSA to host this important event.
CSA attaches great importance to the ASF SC, and highly recognizes its efforts in protecting seafarers’ benefits and interests. As CSA holds the chairmanship of ASF SC, the full resources of CSA are ready to assist ASF SC to play a more important role in the world, which, I believe, will be realized with the joint efforts of each member.
Now, the gross shipping tonnage of Asia is about half of the world’s total, while the number of Asian seafarers accounts for nearly 80%. It showcases the importance of ASF SC. Representing the Asian seafarers community, ASF SC has deeply and constantly cared about all issues related to seafarers’ vital interests, such as piracy and armed robbery, MLC 2006, STCW 2010, seafarers’ facilitation and others that we are going to talk about in the Notes on Agenda. These issues are not only about seafarers and Asia, but also shipowners and the world. So they deserve serious thinking and frank discussion. Some common perspectives may have far-reaching impact on the seafarers.
I believe all the issues in Notes on Agenda are well devised. But I'd like to highlight one thing, which is the psychological health of seafarers. Having long-term sailing in a limited space and kept away from land, the crews are prone to feel lonely, anxious and helpless. Compared to exhausting manual labor, mental problems are more difficult to handle with. Psychological factors have much influence on behavior. The officers’ psychology needs our attention in particular, because it is one of the key factors that may lead to maritime accidents. Therefore, I suggest that we pay closer attention to seafarers’ psychological health. And I also hope that it can be discussed as an item in Notes on Agenda.
Ladies and gentlemen, I always believe that, through our close cooperation and joint efforts, the ASF SC and Asian seafarers will enjoy a better future.
Last but not the least, I wish this meeting successful and fruitful. Wish all of you enjoy a pleasant stay here in this most beautiful season.
Thank you!
版权所有:中国船东协会 技术支持:交通运输部科学研究院