Shipowner / Shipyard Free Pass of the 14th Annual Event-Green Shiptech China Congress 2025(GSCC 2025).
Dear Sir/Madam,
Green Shiptech China Congress is the annual conference hosted by Ridge China. For our past GSCC 2012 to GSCC 2024, More than 4400 experts and decision makers from governments, classification societies, shipowners, shipyards, research institutes, technology/equipment suppliers and consulting companies have had in–depth discussion and communication on the current issues of IMO, EU, USCG, China MSA's policies and regulations, designs and standards for new ship models, innovative and sustainable green ship technologies through this international platform of annual Green Shiptech China Congress.
In year 2025, over 400 industry experts, corporate decision makers and government officials will be engaged in in-depth exchange of views and discussions on the issues and topics that we concern by virtue of international platform of the 14th Annual Event-Green Shiptech China Congress 2025.
注册参会席位,请联系 徐 先生:
For registration, please contact with Mr. Quin Xu
电话Tel: +86 21 6607 8610 转 8003
手机Mob: +86 13564222811
邮箱Email: quin.xu@ridgechina.com